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Maintenance Drugs Side Effect

You should be aware that if you are taking maintenance medicine, you must take into account how it will affect your health after long term of use. There are maintenance medicine that can make your body suffer by depleting essential vitamins and minerals inside your body that can cause serious side effects like having a heart problem. If you are taking any of the maintenance medicine state below, consider taking additional exogenous antioxidant supplements so your body won't suffer.


Maintenance Drugs that can DEPLETE Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Despite the focus on eating a healthier diet as a tool for staying healthy, prescription or nonprescription drugs maybe necessary from time to time. Unfortunately, many of these drugs can cause the body to lose nutrients. The medical name for this is 'drug-induced nutrient depletion'. This topic is of vital significance to both health professionals and the general public.

For decades, studies have documented that many commonly prescribed drugs can cause the depletion of one or more nutrients. Unfortunately, this information does not receive the publicity and attention it deserves. Researchers believe that many of the side effects from drugs may actually be due to the nutrient depletion that are caused by the drugs, when taken over time. In 1998, 11 of the top 20 drug prescribed were drugs for which studies showed potential nutrient depletion.

Below is a list of the nutrients that may be depleted by long term use of some commonly prescribed medications. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications have the potential to deplete nutrients from the body. Because so many people depend on medications to maintain their health, simply removing medications or stopping the use of medications is not necessarily the answer. Changing the use of medications must be done only under the supervision of a physician. However, you can make changes in your lifestyle, particularly through proper diet and supplements, to help replace the nutrients that may be depleted during the use of medications. If you take any of the below medications regularly, you should discuss possible diet changes or supplementation with your health care provider in order to prevent deficiencies from developing.

All that contain Aluminum or Magnesium - depletes Calcium and Phosphorus

All - depletes B Vitamins, Vitamin K, Lactobacillus and Acidophilus
Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Bactrim, Septra - depletes Magnesium and Calcium

Sulfonylureas: Glynase, Prandin, Glucotrol - depletes Coenzyme Q10
Melformin (Glucophage) - depletes Vitamin B12


Aspirin - depletes Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Potassium, Iron and Sodium
NSAIDS (All) - depletes Folic Acid and Melatonin
Coticosteroid (Prednisine, etc.) - depletes Calcium, Vitamin D, Potassium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Folic Acid and Selenium

Valium, Ativan - depletes Melatonin


Lasix, Bumex - depletes Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Potassium, Zinc
Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ), Hydrodiuril - depletes Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc

Dyazide, Maxide - depletes Calcium, Folic Acid and Zinc
ACE Unhibitors (Prinivil, Zestril, Altace etc) - depletes Zinc
Clonidine, Aldomet - depletes Coenzyme Q10

Beta-Blockers - depletes Coenzyme Q10, Melatonin
Digoxin - depletes Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B1

All Statins (Lipitor, Pracachol, Zocor, etc) - depletes Coenzyme Q10
Bile Acid Binders (Cholestyramin, Colestipol) - depletes Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous and Zinc

Birth Control Pills - depletes Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Magnesium and Zinc
Estrogens - depletes Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin B6

Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, Axid - depletes Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron and Zinc

Proton Pump Inhibitors
Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, Nexium, Prisolec - depletes Vitamin B12

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Cancer is the SYMPTOM of DNA mutation, abnormal growth of damaged cells. DNA controls cell growth, development and replication. When the DNA gets damage, it can replicate an altered (damaged) cell  – and when this altered cell replicates itself... This can become CANCER. Click here to read more about DNA and GLUTATHIONE.

Please Take Note: Symptoms alert YOU that something isn’t right in your Body but they are not the Cause of Illness or Disease.
Did You Know That Cancer is associated with Low Level of Glutathione (GSH)?

“The Precursor To Fight Cancer Lies In Prevention”

So How can we prevent Cancer?

Since Healthy DNA is needed to prevent replication of mutated cells, we need to protect it from free radicals by the aid of Antioxidants.
Antioxidants have “extra” electrons that they can give to free radicals. By doing that, it eliminates its harmful effect. Antioxidants are the body’s defense against destructive free radicals which causes aging, sickness and disease.

What Type of Antioxidant Do We Need???

Exogenous Antioxidant and Cancer

If we will take Exogenous Antioxidant like the famous Vitamin C and Vitamin E, we are protecting our cells from being damaged, but it cannot repair or restore damaged cells. It only shields our body from incoming free radicals. In other words, exogenous antioxidant has no ability to neutralize or stop mutated cells to grow erratically. We should also consider the fact that people with Cancer have low levels of Glutathione, because of this, important exogenous antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E cannot do their job adequately to protect our body against disease.

Endogenous Antioxidant Glutathione (GSH) and Cancer

Glutathione (GSH) plays a very important role in DNA repair. Healthy DNA is essential to prevent mutated cells from replicating itself which lead to Cancer.

It is a proven fact that if you have cancer, you have low levels of Glutathione (GSH).

What Science have proven is that when you have high levels of glutathione (GSH), you will be protected from free radical damage, all other Antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E can do their job efficiently, your vital organs will function better and you will have better functioning immune system. Generally speaking, having high levels of Glutathione (GSH) means having a healthier body.

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Healthy DNA and Genes = Healthy Cells, Healthy Offspring

All living things are made of tiny “building blocks” called CELLS. Each CELL contains inherited genetic information, packaged in the form of GENES.

What is GENE?

A GENE is made of a length of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that has a message encoded in its chemical structure. GENES are the instructions that give organisms their particular characteristics.
GENES are the “words” along the DNA “sentences”.
Genes are messages that provide the information for all cellular functions. They carry information that is “passed on to future generations”.
An organism’s genes determine:
The characteristics that are used to classify it into the plant or animal kingdom and into a specific family and species.
How it uses food
How well it fights infection
At times, how it behaves.
What if DNA gets altered or damaged? The simple answer is we start to get diseases if our immune system won’t be able to repair damaged DNA’s.

The BAD NEWS is, since DAN is the BLUEPRINT of an organism. The information that DNA contains is PASSED FROM ONE GENERATION TO THE NEXT! Your offspring may inherit your damaged DNA PACKAGED WITH THE DISORDER OR DISEASE!
INHERITED DISORDER or INHERITED DISEASE = a disease or disorder that is inherited genetically.

The faster and cost effective solution for this is by using Glutathione Accelerator to enhance production of ENDOGENOUS ANTIOXIDANT GLUTATHIONE (GSH) inside our Cells. This endogenous antioxidant is capable of correcting damaged DNA’s as well as protecting it from being damaged by free radicals.

It is AMAZING to know that these health problems may be prevented by enhancing glutathione (GSH) production within our cells. Start taking Glutathione Accelerator, you will benefit, your future children will be healthy too!

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DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid

What is DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the hereditary materials in humans and almost all other organisms. Sometimes referred to as the “Building Blocks of Life.”

DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. That’s how important DNA is. It contains the genetic information, and this information dictates how the body’s cells would construct new proteins according to the genetic code.

Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus (where it is called nuclear DNA), but a small amount of DNA can also be found in the mitochondria (where it is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA). Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA.

An Important property of DNA is that it can replicate, or make copies of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases. This is critical when cells divide because each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.

When the DNA gets damaged (caused by free radicals and mutagens), it will cause cell mutation. Since DNA controls cell growth, development and replication it is essential to have a healthy DNA to avoid replication of damaged or mutated cells.

We could say that Healthy DNA is critical in having a Healthy Cell, thus it is essential to repair DNA to have a healthy body.

What is Responsible for DNA Repair?

Endogenous Antioxidants are responsible for DNA repair, maybe not all of them but the most prevalent Endogenous Antioxidant is Glutathione. Glutathione is responsible for protecting Cells and Cellular Components. It aids in detoxification, immune boosting, free radical scavenging and play a very important role in the synthesis and Repair of DNA since it is present in each and every cell of our body.

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Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice. Oxidative stress is now known to play an important role in the pathogenesis and perpetuation of AF. Studies have shown that people with atrial fibrillation have significantly depleted glutathione levels.

Glutathione precursors have been found to markedly reduce the incidence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and may also attenuate the associated electrophysiological remodelling. (Liu et al, Antioxidant Therapies in the Prevention and Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, February 2013)

"Deficiency in systemic glutathione in cardiac patients occurs well before the drop in cardiac tissue glutathione. Several studies provide evidence for a close relationship between blood glutathione decrease and the pathogenesis of different inflammatory chronic diseases. In the cardiac myocyte, glutathione deficiency fuels a vicious TNF / sTNFR1/ oxidative stress / neutral sphingomyelinase/ apoptosis cycle. Accordingly, early deficiency in systemic glutathione is likely to contribute to the progression of the cardiac disease.

...In agreement with the previous observation made by Carnes et al, we found a 50% decrease in atrial glutathione content in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation compared to other patients with sinus rhythm, which is also consistent with the decreased incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation observed after intravenous supplementation with the glutathione precursor, N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Taken together, these results suggest that glutathione deficiency impinges on the whole damaged heart. They also suggest that glutathione supplementation may improve cardiac cell preservation in cardiac diseases, and be a complement to contemporary treatments." ~ Damy et al, Glutathione Deficiency in Cardiac Patients, PLoS ONE, March 2009
Glutathione is able to neutralise oxidative stress and is also a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. Studies have shown that optimised glutathione levels are beneficial for cardiovascular health, but in practice it can be difficult to effectively increase systemic glutathione levels, as glutathione (GSH) is a fragile molecule that is quickly broken down in the digestive system if taken by mouth. Glutathione must be synthesised within the cell because it cannot be transported into cells.

The glutathione prodrug RiboCeine™ delivers the essential precursor nutrients (ribose and cysteine) to the cell where they can then be turned into glutathione and cellular energy in the form of ATP. RiboCeine™ has received extensive scientific validation in published peer-reviewed studies and has been shown to increase intracellular glutathione far more effectively than the synthetic glutathione precursor NAC (n-acetyl cysteine).

Advanced nutritional supplement Cellgevity™ contains RiboCeine™ in combination with a selection of synergistic antioxidant and flavonoid ingredients, including resveratrol, quercetin, alpha lipoic acid, selenomethionine and curcumin. Cellgevity has been clinically proven to effectively raise cellular glutathione levels.

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Endogenous Vs Exogenous Antioxidant

Free Radicals – are highly reactive, unstable molecules that have lost one electron and are aggressively looking for a replacement. Free radicals are formed in the body, and its production is increased when we are exposed to such things as tobacco smoke, alcohol, insecticides, and radiation and even to sunlight. Other causes are a high-fat diet, eating fried foods, or strenuous exercise. It is the free radical production from these sources that we need to be most concerned about. In a simple explanation, FREE RADICALS are responsible to cell damage.

Exogenous Antioxidant – antioxidant that we obtain from our diet and supplements. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are the most popular exogenous antioxidant that floods the market.

Endogenous Antioxidant
– antioxidant produced by our body. More powerful free radical fighter than those you can get from your diet. The five important endogenous antioxidants are Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Glutathione, Alpha Liopic Acid (ALA), Catalase and Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

Our body produces more SOD, Catalase and Glutathione when certain free radicals are present. It is our body’s Front line defense (First Line of Defense).

Some Important Roles of Endogeneous Antioxidant:

SOD can convert the most reactive or most dangerous free radicals into hydrogen peroxide, which Catalase and Glutathione can then turn into oxygen and water, neutralizing them.
ALA, Glutathione and CoQ10 has properties that can regenerate and recycle some exogenous antioxidants.
**Example – Vitamin C (Ascorbate) donates an electron to a free radical to neutralize it, making it dehydroascorbate which has a half-life in the body of only a few minutes. If the dehydroascorbate is not reduced (given back its lost electron) back to ascorbate, it is irreversibly lost making it a weak free radical. Endogenous antioxidants can regenerate this dyhydroascorbate, turning it back to ascorbate form so it can combat another free radical again.
What Makes Glutathione Stand Out from other Endogenous Antioxidant?

Glutathione is present in each and every cell of our body, found in high concentrations in liver cells. It is the cell’s primary antioxidant against free radicals produced by toxic chemicals and viruses. Glutathione also plays an essential role in the liver’s detoxification process (Phase II system).

Glutathione has the ability to repair DNA damage caused by free radicals at the cellular level; it plays a role in boosting the immune system and in slowing down the natural aging process... Glutathione indeed is the Most Important and Most Powerful Antioxidant inside our body.

How Powerful is Glutathione?

Antioxidant donates electron to free radicals to neutralize it. Let’s make an example how many free radicals some popular antioxidants can neutralize:

Vitamin E a molecule of Vitamin E has 3 electrons to share, meaning it can neutralize 3 free radicals at a time.
Vitamin C – has 2 to 5 electrons to share, means it can neutralize 2 to 5 free radicals at a time.
Glutathione – has 1 million electrons to share, it can neutralize 1 million free radicals at a time as well as give back the lost electrons of exogenous antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E making them functional again.
It is estimated that every one of the cells in our body receives 10,000 hits a day from free radicals, assuming we have 50 to 75 trillion cells, imagine the total hits from free radicals we encounter per day! If we will rely from exogenous antioxidants to neutralize that many free radicals, we would have to consume approximate amount of 375 oranges or 87 glasses of red wine or 120 Vitamin C capsules! Glutathione being our body’s front line defense, do most of the work in neutralizing these free radicals.

Important Facts:

Endogenous and Exogenous Antioxidants revive and spare one another from destruction. So those exogenous antioxidants coming from our diet and supplements are also important.
Taking Vitamin C and Vitamin E and other exogenous antioxidant supplement is also needed if we need to give our body a boost by helping and aiding glutathione.
It is evident that we need to rely on replenishing glutathione at the cellular level to be healthier and live longer.
When we are Younger, our body is capable of producing enough endogenous antioxidants to combat free radicals on their own. Capability decreases as we age, making us vulnerable to sickness.
For decades, the main problem encountered with glutathione sold as a supplement is that only very small amounts can be absorbed into the blood stream because of its large molecule size aside from our body breaks them down in the process of digestion.

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