Overview - Transcend 'the norm'

Fortunately, Glutathione is normally generated within the body, so you don’t need to worry about how to obtain it through your diet. Not only is Glutathione generated in the body, but after it has neutralized heavy metal molecules it is actually regenerated. So as long as Glutathione is being made, there is no problem. However, there are times when Glutathione levels do decrease, and this may be when the body becomes more susceptible to disease:

● Glutathione production and regeneration naturally declines with age

● A poor diet with limited fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains and high in processed foods may reduce your Glutathione levels

● Exposure to pollutions, toxins and radiation reduces Glutathione levels. When the toxic load in your body becomes too great, the Glutathione molecules are overwhelmed and cannot function properly

● Certain medications, stress, trauma and infections can all reduce Glutathione levels

To live healthier, more meaningful lives we must take control of what our bodies take in, and be more proactive against the environmental afflictions that are depleting our vitality. We should no longer expect, nor accept, the poor health standards to which we've become accustomed as normal. Our purpose is to take positive steps to support and empower ourselves to live a more youthful, energetic lifestyle.

To realize this purpose, Max International’s products are designed to enhance one vital component of your health and wellbeing - glutathione. Glutathione is a vital molecule that exists inside every one of the trillions of cells that make up the human body. We are recognized as the world leader in glutathione-supporting supplementation because of our science-based product formulations that support your body's natural ability to perform at its optimum wellness.

Review our products and see how they can empower you to transcend your current state of health and live a healthier, more enriching lifestyle. We invite you to transcend "the norm."

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