

The incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has increased dramatically over recent years. In developed countries the incidence has increased by over 600% in the last twenty years.

Other developmental and behavioural disorders like attention deficit disorders (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) have also increased and now affect up to 1 out of every 6 children in the U.S.

The Mercury Connection
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Worldwide exposure to mercury has increased significantly through fish, industrial sources, vaccinations (containing thimerosal preservative) and dental amalgam fillings. Scientists have found that autistic children may have been exposed to higher amounts of mercury during pregnancy. Glutathione is able to chelate and eliminate mercury and other heavy metals. Glutathione levels are known to be depleted in autistic children.

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Glutathione treatment offers hope for autism

It is known that glutathione levels are depleted in autism. Intravenous glutathione supplementation has shown promising results but the treatment is expensive and time consuming, requiring twice weekly infusions.

The challenge for doctors has been to develop an effective oral supplement, since glutathione is a fragile molecule that is quickly broken down in the digestive system if taken by mouth. 

Following many years of scientific research, effective oral supplements to increase systemic glutathione levels are now available.  Clinically proven oral supplements MaxGXL®, MaxOneand Cellgevity provide the cells with the essential precursors that they require to make glutathione. Optimised glutathione levels will help to support healthy brain function, detoxify cells, improve mental clarity and reduce inflammation.
Advanced glutathione supplements - MaxGXL, MaxOne and Cellgevity

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